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Driver for Win10 all version attach_img digest  ...234 Jing 2021-10-27 3343898 ying 2024-6-26 11:16
1008c no comunication Jpaul 2024-3-2 02058 Jpaul 2024-3-2 06:13
Customer Service 新人帖 RXMan75 2023-3-21 34536 Great-Scott 2023-10-25 22:08
Hantek Support not replying to mails.. Great-Scott 2023-10-4 22777 Great-Scott 2023-10-25 22:06
HANTEK DSO4254C Self Calibration fail ying 2023-4-28 13679 MartaNilla 2023-9-22 02:57
Hi 您好~我想購買示波器 新人帖 attach_img  ...23 rafle1806 2023-4-27 227766 chhanchal001 2023-9-13 17:18
DSO4254C Windows 11 Driver 新人帖 Igor_Sh 2022-10-14 35207 jackfrostenson 2023-7-19 08:26
Registration attach_img Jing 2021-12-14 36102 AllenTate 2023-4-3 20:38
firmware update suggestion Jing 2021-12-13 25695 dmitriykyb 2023-3-9 20:51
AC input to 6022be scope. 新人帖 Shod 2022-3-27 14757 Jing 2022-4-9 16:00
MPO6202D has no blue panel on right side ?! 新人帖 attach_img alaa2003 2022-1-22 25450 alaa2003 2022-2-16 22:39
product registration attach_img wangshuang 2022-1-19 15899 wangshuang 2022-1-19 10:15
DSO4254C Windows 10 Driver 新人帖 attach_img NickS 2022-1-4 48173 NickS 2022-1-14 20:38
USB disk partition attachment amy 2019-9-27 516458 amy 2021-12-14 13:41
Technical support Jing 2021-11-2 17820 Jing 2021-11-2 13:55
Driver for Win10 1607 and 1703 version or higher version - [Read permissions 100]attachment  ...23456..7 amy 2017-6-22 6944583 js123 2021-5-22 10:45
Where to buy HDM3065 attach_img QMESAR 2020-3-13 310737 Croby80 2020-12-9 00:18
x1000 probe 新人帖 Stefan 2018-1-24 29709 drummer514@yahoo.com 2020-8-25 02:07
Hantek DSO 3064 Kit VII Error (BlueScreen) 新人帖 attach_img rfastudillob 2020-7-11 38989 wangshuang 2020-7-20 14:43
I want to buy a used oscilloscope from eBay for personal use - Suggestions? attachment breckjensen 2017-12-23 49613 OASJ2YSeeEhBQo1 2019-12-10 00:25
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