vladi Publish time 2023-4-27 22:48:05

DSO5202BM boot problem

Edited by vladi at 2023-4-27 23:35

This device works a few mounth and start to some freezes sometimes so at the moment stop booting totally. I do the following:
1. I heated up S3C2416 area by air gun up to 50-70 deegrees and device wake up to work, but only for two weeks.
2. I resolder S3C2416 but this not helps (black screen).
3. I look to J801 to have a boot log messages, but have't any activityon this connector. It cannot help.
4. I used JetLink (J-Link clone) and OpenOCD v0.12.0 to connect to S3C2416 (see attach). However, this a bit help me to have a successed log, but nTRST pin not functional under the JetLink and I cannot undestand how to configure it in openocd.cfg file. So, SoC cannot be halted.
5. I prepared my old PC with LPT port to try H-JTAG with Wiggler adapter. Not yet tried...

Please, help me to restore the device. Hope, this is a NAND need to be replaced. I have the T56 programmer and can reflash the new SAMSUNG K9F1G08U0E chip by resoldering it directly. I need a full dump (~130Mb) for DSO5202BM or any futher suggestions...

vladi Publish time 2023-4-30 21:33:41

Edited by vladi at 2023-4-30 21:36

I used H-JTAG and OpenOCD to try make a connection to SoC. Both tools connected sucsessfully, but... NAND ID cannot be read out (I receive 0x00 for both tools). So, NAND need to be replaced. Please, help me with K9F1G08U0B full dump for DSO5202BM (PCB: ver1.01 2013/1/4). I can replace chip myself.

vladi Publish time 2023-5-13 05:38:33

Edited by vladi at 2023-5-13 05:51

NAND has been replaced, dump now backuped. So, the content looking good, ID reading OK by programmer. Not sure, that the NAND is the problem. But SoC cannot read NAND ID. It's looking like the SoC and the DDR2 need to be replaced. Currently I do not have new SoC and DDR2 chips, but I have DDR2 MT47H64M16HR-25 chip. It is the same as original MT47H32M16HR-25EG, but have a double capacity. Can I try to use it?

vladi Publish time 2023-5-25 05:40:20

Finally, I receive and replace SoC and DDR2. Unfortunately, OpenOCD found the SoC, but NAND ID cannot be read out (reading value 0x00, unknown NAND). I'm very sad.

vladi Publish time 2023-5-31 05:23:05

Please, help me with uboot.bin for Hantek DSO5202BM (PCB v1.0.1 2013/1/4). Uboot.bin looking like corrupted...

MrBourne Publish time 2023-6-1 16:45:10

Hope less for this Brand (Hantek) no any answer like my problem.

Calipso Publish time 2023-6-5 02:28:38


jon_snow Publish time 2024-2-4 07:47:39

I've the same problem here. Need to reflash the SAMSUNG K9F1G08U0D because of faulty image :'(

kevinmartin Publish time 2024-3-14 14:27:25

The DSO5202BM boot problem refers to a recurring problem encountered by some users of the DSO5202BM digital storage oscilloscope. The problem usually manifests as difficulties or failures during the booting process of the device.

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