Electronic Engineer Discuss

Title: ремонт hantek 1008 [Print this page]

Author: 74pvn    Time: 2021-12-25 14:52
Title: ремонт hantek 1008
Здравствуйте! После не правильного подключения HANTEK 1008 сгорел. После вскрытия корпуса выявлены вышедшие из строя детали TI 44 AVG, STM32F103 и ряд других элементов. все было заменено на новое кроме TI 44 AVG подскажите что это за микросхема? И чем можно прошить чип STM32F103 нужна прошивка.Спасибо!

Author: 74pvn    Time: 2021-12-25 14:54
Hello! After an incorrect connection, the HANTEK 1008 burned down. After opening the case, the failed parts of TI 44 AVG, STM32F103 and a number of other elements were revealed. everything was replaced with a new one except TI 44 AVG tell me what kind of chip is this? And than you can flash the STM32F103 chip, you need firmware.Thanks!

Author: 74pvn    Time: 2021-12-25 14:54
Hello! After an incorrect connection, the HANTEK 1008 burned down. After opening the case, the failed parts of TI 44 AVG, STM32F103 and a number of other elements were revealed. everything was replaced with a new one except TI 44 AVG tell me what kind of chip is this? And than you can flash the STM32F103 chip, you need firmware.Thanks!

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